Products > TIMS: automated tool data management system
TIMS: automated tool data management system
TIMS (Tool Identification Management System) is an innovative system for the automated management of tool data for numerically controlled machines (CNC).
The purpose of TIMS is to manage the movement of tool data between the machines and the warehouse simultaneously with their real physical movement through the use of portable scanners and customized metal plates.
The main features of TIMS are:
- It does not require any hardware and/or software modification on the machines and therefore can be installed on any type of machine.
- It can connect to the most popular numerical controls on the market.
- Requires low hardware costs.
- It reduces tool loading and unloading times and errors.
- It allows you to transfer or delete the tool data in the machine CNC memory even while the machine is being used.
- It allows you to keep track of the movements of the tool fleet in the workshop by managing their location.
- Interface with the most popular presetters by importing updated measurement data.
- Interface with third-party management systems for the import of pre-packaged tool data at the technical department level.
- Forwarding alerts to operators (tools nearing end of life, breakages, etc.).
Technicians will no longer waste time editing the tool table and you can forget about collision damage due to incorrectly transcribed tool data.
You will be able to carry out the tooling operations safely, even by less experienced personnel. TIMS adds reliability and safety to your plant's production processes.
Furthermore, TIMS is a WEB application and as such can be used from any device capable of hosting a browser (Crome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) connected to the network.